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Stakeholders Meet of Punjab State organized at Amritsar on 26th July 2018 with the objectives to make a list of District wise prioritised species of medicinal plants for cultivation and to establish networking with all Stakeholders like Academic Institutions, Farmers and Manufacturers. This was organized by RCFC NR-1 and organised at Herbal Health Research Consortium (HHRC) to facilitate the availability of quality crude drugs on GMP Parameters. HHRC is equipped with the introductory lab to conduct Tests needed for Herbs and primary grading and processing of raw herbs. A renowned Plant breeder Dr GS Cheema was assigned the task of making a Roadmap on the Medicinal plants’ sector in Punjab along with Mr Satyen Dilawari of HHRC. MrGunbir Singh former Chairman of CII Punjab, Dr Adarsh of GNDU and Dr Rupender Kaur of DAV College, Amritsar were instrumental in supporting this process. The cluster created for the cultivation of medicinal plants is being proposed to undertake the cultivation of Stevia. Mulethi, Golden Shatavri, Ashwagandha, Tulsi and Sarpgandha.