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A group of 40 farmers from Chamba District’s far-flung areas; Bhasu Valley Farmer Club, Kundi and Indrunag Farmers Club, Samra were invited to an Exposure visit. They participated in Jhadi Buti Kisan Mela at Bhedu Mahadev on 30 Jan 2019 and the next day on 31-Jan-2019 they were taken to RIISM. These groups are collecting medicinal plants and now they will undertake cultivation of high-altitude medicinal plants like Atish, Kutki, Sughandhbala, Chora etc. In the meeting, detailed training was conducted on cultivation and other aspects. The members were advised by the technical experts that for large-scale cultivation they may take a few species on priority so that the voluminous crude drug material may be produced. The gestation period of high-altitude medicinal plants is quite long and requires sizable land for the sustainable cultivation of Medicinal plants. Therefore it was suggested to take two species i.e. Kutki and sugandbala in 1st phase for which the agro climatic conditions and altitude of their site are quite suitable. This centre and RIISM will provide technical support as well as provide quality panting material. In the Jadi Buti Mela at Bhedu Mahadev- SAMRIDHI, Rudarpur, UK participated and this agency is marketing crude drugs. To take advantage of this occasion SAMRIDHI was also invited to the meeting of these farmer clubs on 31 Jan 2019. After the meeting SAMRIDHI was ready to come forward for the marketing of the cultivated produce of the Medicinal Plants from the above said farmer clubs. SAMRIDHI assured the farmers that they will purchase their material at a reasonable market rate. Two more buyers were available from Khari Bawli New Delhi to interact with the farmers. Practical value addition activities were demonstrated by Innovator Dharamvir Kamboj who was known for his machine. The next day the group was taken to CSIR-IHBT (Himalayan Bio Resource Technologies) at Palampur and were briefed about the National Aroma Mission and other activities. A mutual agreement was done by the Farmer Groups with IHBT to take Sugandhbala for mass cultivation and IHBT will provide planting material and distillation facility to the groups. An area of about 40 acres shall be brought under cultivation. One Day duration Training Programme conducted on Nursery raising, cultivation, Harvesting, Post-harvest Management of Medicinal Plants at RIISM by the faculty of RIISM and RCFC (NR-I).
